权柄和能力||Authority and Power – 20200116

路加福音 9:1-2 耶稣叫齐了十二个门徒,给他们能力、权柄制伏一切的鬼,医治各样的病, 2 又差遣他们去宣传神国的道、医治病人,

Luke 9:1-2 (TPT) Jesus summoned together his twelve apostles and imparted to them authority over every demon and the power to heal every disease. 2 Then he commissioned them to preach God’s kingdom realm and to heal the sick to demonstrate that the kingdom had arrived. As he sent them out, he gave them these instructions:

诗篇 112:1-8 你们要赞美耶和华!敬畏耶和华,甚喜爱他命令的,这人便为有福!
2 他的后裔在世必强盛,正直人的后代必要蒙福。
3 他家中有货物有钱财,他的公义存到永远。
4 正直人在黑暗中,有光向他发现,他有恩惠,有怜悯,有公义。
5 施恩于人,借贷于人的,这人事情顺利,他被审判的时候,要诉明自己的冤。
6 他永不动摇,义人被记念直到永远。
7 他必不怕凶恶的信息,他心坚定,倚靠耶和华。
8 他心确定,总不惧怕,直到他看见敌人遭报。


等候从上面下来的火||Wait for Fire from Above – 20200111

列王纪上 19:19-21 于是,以利亚离开那里走了,遇见沙法的儿子以利沙耕地。在他前头有十二对牛,自己赶着第十二对。以利亚到他那里去,将自己的外衣搭在他身上。 20 以利沙就离开牛,跑到以利亚那里,说:“求你容我先与父母亲嘴,然后我便跟随你。”以利亚对他说:“你回去吧,我向你做了什么呢?” 21 以利沙就离开他回去,宰了一对牛,用套牛的器具煮肉给民吃,随后就起身跟随以利亚,服侍他。

耶稣救赎我脱离虚空||Jesus Redeemed me From Empty – 20200105



彼得前书 1:18-19 知道你们得赎,脱去你们祖宗所传流虚妄的行为,不是凭着能坏的金银等物,乃是凭着基督的宝血,如同无瑕疵、无玷污的羔羊之血。

1 Peter 1:18-19 (NLT) For you know that God paid a ransom to save you from the empty life you inherited from your ancestors. And it was not paid with mere gold or silver, which lose their value. It was the precious blood of Christ, the sinless, spotless Lamb of God.